
No amount of fire can melt a frozen heart.

A leaky haunted house will never warm,

With a faulty pilot.

Sacrificial corn cob dolls,

To guardians in the basement,

Fail to protect children.

Chinese horoscope animal husbandry familiars 

Present unlikely pairs in the Ark.

An ox steps on a snake’s fractured neck 

To save its life.

Ten of swords acupuncture 

Spinal tap chakra cranial sacral reiki.

Pamela Coleman Smith cannot illuminate 

A dark path.

Seeking power and control

Banishes love perfectly formed.

The painted lady is possessed.

Tarkovsky knows the pattern 

Of peeling water damaged wallpaper.

Insatiable stories repeat.

Scarcity in 

Breeds scarcity out.

Integrate the shadow 

Like y/our lives depend on it.

The number of disposable queers 

In a hasbian’s wake 

Is proportionate

To her self hatred.

I know who you are

And I am not afraid.

Land before time.

We were amebas,

Pond scum melting into the void.

A pot found its top.

As dinosaurs

Ruby eyes magnetic as sapphires,

Flexing t-rex Grendel chicken wings.

Fresh meat from our kill glistening 

In reptilian pearly whites.

Sometimes babies get snatched,

The sun remembers.

Nesty cozy birds,

Feathers flapping

Eggs a plenty.

I built your tomb in Egypt

In the Valley of the Kings.

You wore the pharaonic beard 

They shoved you in a hole.

You were my wife,

When we were royals.

Our priest

Your best friend 

In this incarnation.

We were in the mob,

You took my life.

Perilous rock ceremony 

To settle 

That unfortunate debt.

How many hell dimensions 

Will it take 

To get to the center of it?

Shattered lines on palms 

Lattice scar tissue across 

The block of heavy ice.

Back in the Habit,

Whoopi broke the spell.

The wait has weight.

Loneliness is the price of vanity.

Two turns away from five

And five faces two.

What are you afraid of?

I am your mirror.

Wells Chandler / March 2024

